Airports and ports bet on private 5G networks for their security

We are advancing inexorably towards a new world in which everything will change. The way goods are produced and transported is going through a great revolution. The same is happening with passenger traffic, a sector that is increasingly demanding when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. We are entering a new era that will involve enormous changes for us. Never before have we experienced such an exciting moment.

In an increasingly complex world, information management is essential. Having a secure and efficient communication network has become an imperative need, particularly for strategic infrastructures and equipment. In this context, 5G, the new mobile technology, is emerging as the best ally for large transport and communication hubs such as airports and ports. Betting on private 5G networks (those in which the network is used exclusively by devices authorised by the end-user organisation) is a competitive factor that drives economic activity in the entire area of influence of each enclave.

This has been understood by Frankfurt airport, for example, which is working to implement the largest private 5G network in Europe. Having an independent mobile network is a milestone for this large airport, which is one of the biggest in the world, with a workforce of 80,000 and home to more than 200 logistics and cargo companies. Thanks to the high bandwidth and low latency of the network, the airport will be able to accelerate innovative projects, such as autonomous driving in its facilities. Furthermore, the 5G network will also allow real-time data transfer, creating a new central nervous system of connectivity, which will help to make all operations safer and more efficient. 

In addition to this, ports, which are the ‘cathedrals’ of the global logistics chain, will be able to benefit from the advantages of private networks. Comprehensive real-time information management will afford great advantages in efficiency for goods handling. It will also improve safety within the facilities, interconnecting cranes, vehicles and operators. This will help to reduce potential risk of collisions in container terminals, where technology is increasingly important and where each movement is measured to the millimetre.

The advantages of a private network

Private networks are a key component for successful roll-outs of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business environments. In addition, multi-access edge computing (MEC) —which shortens response times by bringing the servers closer to the users— is vital for the service strategy for factories, warehouses, oil refineries, mines and other possible clients that require their own telecommunications ecosystem. 

Secure communication networks will be a decisive factor in the competitiveness of companies and infrastructures. Preventing cyber attacks and information theft will become increasingly important in the new world of intelligent and interconnected machines. It is time to make decisions.